Episode 186
life lessons

Fix Animals, Not People

You're really good at fixing animals by relieving their pain and suffering. You help them live good lives or have a good death so it's natural that you'd want to fix people too. It's natural that you'd want to help them feel better and have better mental and emotional health but this isn't your responsibility nor are you capable of doing this for others. Negative emotions in others isn't a problem to be solved. Part of life is pain and struggle. We can be supportive while not trying to fix others. That's our responsibility.

Are you a female veterinarian who is wanting support, community and a safe space to share challenges and successes with other empowered women veterinarians? Then check out my 6-month coaching program, Living A Life You Love. It's for introverts, people who don't think they are "group" people and for feminists in vet med.

Limited spots available. Registration closes on 9/30/22.


Episode 186
Fix Animals, Not People

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Fix Animals, Not People

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