Episode 211

Burnout in Introverts

It's no coincidence that 60-80% of animal workers are introverts AND 60-80% of animal workers experience burnout. Now extroverts experience burnout too but I believe that as introverts we have to be very self-aware of what we need to recharge ourselves.

In this episode you'll learn:

-what I believe we need to know as introverts around burnout

-the 4 kinds of introverts

-how to love, accept, understand and have self-compassion for who you are and see your introversion as your greatest strength and something that needs caring for a little differently than others

Introvert quiz: https://susancain.net/quiet-quiz/

Introvert, social anxiety or depression? https://youtu.be/vhglKx0EwZA

Episode 211
Burnout in Introverts

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